News and Updates – FAA's Hurricane Florence Update

The Federal Aviation Administration closely monitors forecasted hurricanes and severe weather events and prepares FAA facilities and equipment to withstand storm damage. We prepare and protect air traffic control facilities along the projected storm path so we can quickly resume operations after the hurricane passes. Enabling flights to resume quickly is critical to support disaster relief efforts.

Commercial Travelers
Because of Hurricane Florence, airlines are likely to cancel many flights in the direct path of the storm and the surrounding areas. Flights that are not cancelled may be delayed. Once Hurricane Florence makes ground fall, airports may be listed as open but flooding on local roadways may limit access to airports for passengers, as well as the employees who work for the airlines or at the airport. As a result, every aspect of your trip to the airport, including parking, checking in, getting through security and boarding may take longer than usual.

As always, check with airlines about the status of your flight before you leave for the airport. Major carriers provide flight status updates on their website:

Please continue to check the status of your flight with your airline, not the FAA. You can also check the status of some major airports in the storm path by visiting, which is updated regularly. You can also check current travel advisories provided by most U.S. airlines.

Air Traffic Control
FAA control towers in hurricane-prone areas are designed and built to sustain hurricane force winds. Each control tower has a maximum wind sustainability. When the winds approach that level, controllers evacuate the tower cabs. They may remain in the building on duty in a secure lower level, and are ready to go back to work as soon as the storm passes.

We also protect communications equipment and navigational aids to the greatest extent possible. As the storm approaches, we disable airport surveillance radar antennas to allow them to spin freely, minimizing potential wind damage. This limits damage to the antenna motors and allows radar coverage to resume quickly after the storm passes.

Drone Users
The FAA warns drone operators that they will be subject to significant fines that may exceed $20,000 and civil penalties if they interfere with emergency response operations. Flying a drone without authorization in or near the disaster area may violate federal, state, or local laws and ordinances, even if a Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) is not in place. Allow first responders to save lives and property without interference.

General Aviation Pilots
Standard check lists are even more important in and around severe weather. Be aware of weather conditions throughout the entire route of your planned flight. A pilots failure to recognize deteriorating weather conditions continues to cause or contribute to accidents.

News and Updates – New Air Traffic Tower Dedicated in Sarasota, Florida

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Sarasota Manatee Airport Authority (SMAA), and Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) dedicated the newAir Traffic Control Tower at Sarasota Bradenton International Airport today.The 128 foot-tall tower is a significant investment in our nations airport infrastructure and enhances air traffic controllers ability to provide the safest, most efficient service to flights at the busy Florida airport.

The Federal Aviation Administration is proud to celebrate the new tower and our working together with the Sarasota Manatee Airport Authority and Florida Department of Transportation. The new facility will provide our controllers with greater visibility of the airfield and our investment in technology will enhance their ability to provide safe and efficient air traffic services for the Sarasota Bradenton community, said Michael OHarra, Regional Administrator, FAA Southern Region.

The FAA, SMAA and FDOT funded the $24.8 million facility under a unique agreement. The FAA invested $7.2 million in the new tower design, engineering and electronic equipment, which the agency installed and will maintain. SMAA funded $8.9 million for construction and it will own and maintain the building. FDOT also contributed $8.7 million for tower construction. The facility includes a 9,000-square-foot base building that houses equipment, administrative offices and training rooms. The new facility includes an updated voice communications system, radio transmitter and flight data processor, which controllers use to communicate with other FAA facilities and the airport.

The Airport Authority is proud to have partnered with the FAA and FDOT on this unique opportunity to build a new air traffic control tower. SRQ aviation users, and the local community will benefit from having this new state-of-the-art facility, saidRick Piccolo, President and Chief Executive Officer, Sarasota Bradenton International Airport.

Air traffic controllers working in the 525 square-foot tower cab handle flights within a 10-mile radius of the airport up to 4,000 feet in altitude.In 2017, the tower handled 104,540 takeoffs and landings.

A total of 34 FAA employees work at the new facility, 20 in air traffic and 14 in technical operations, which maintains the FAA electronics equipment in the tower and on the airfield.

Speech – A Success Story in the Making

Acting Administrator Daniel Elwell
Las Vegas, NV

Good morning, everybody.

I know what youre thinking: Oh, jeezthe regulators here. Hes probably going to tell us hes here to help.

You laugh. But I get it theres a certain degree of skepticism when the fed shows up at an event like this.

I dont know that I blame you. After all, the old government philosophy of If it aint broke, lets fix it anyway is the ultimate buzzkill.

Well thats not who I am. And thats absolutely not what the Department of Transportation or this Administration is all about.

Believe it or not, we all want the same thing. We all know unmanned aircraft arent a novelty some expensive toy that needs to be accommodated. And were ready for the day when drones are a fully integrated, everyday player in our nations airspace.

So how do we make that happen safely and faster?

Wellto start with, we all need to acknowledge: Remotely piloted aircraft are a disruptive technology.

In this room, thats almost always a good thing, right? Drones are reinventing industries creating new ones. Theyre going to do for aviation what the internet did for information.

Ive been a pilot most of my life. But when I look around at some of the things youre working on here at InterDrone the possibilities blow me away.

But as exciting as this all is it can also make people nervous.

Safety security access privacyThe public has very real and justified questions about these aircraft. And their concerns cant just be swept under the rug.

If we want this technology to take hold, weve got to take these questions head on.

Opinions about drones are still being formed. Thats in our favor. And we can make the most of that opportunity by being responsive.

The recent event in Venezuela reminds us: All it takes is one bad actor one unfortunate incident And this industry could be grounded before it ever really takes off.

Thats not hyperbole. Sky-high expectations are just part of the world youre operating in.

The national airspace system doesnt have room for error. When something goes wrong up there, it shakes peoples confidence down here. And the entire industry feels the impact.

Fortunately, incidents like that are extremely rare. Airplanes are safer and more resilient than at any point in history. The people operating in the system take safety so seriously that they self-report mistakes. And that voluntary data reporting allows us to root out areas of risk in the system long before incidents occur.

The result? Aviation is the gold standard. The safest form of transportation in the world. Thats not a position were about to take a step back on.

Ive heard this argument a few times: Back in Orville and Wilburs era, people were willing to risk their lives for the birth of a new form of transportation. Now that were on the cusp of aviations next great era, shouldnt we be willing to accept some of the same risks in the name of progress?

Folks, theres a really simple answer to that question: No.

Manned aviation already learned those lessons. We paid that price. Were not going to do it again. And the public wouldnt let us, anyway.

Now, this insistence on safety isnt some limitation on unmanned aircraft. On the contrary its a leg up.

Because youre not starting from scratch, like the Wright brothers. The FAA has spent six decades working with airlines, manufacturers, and countless others to get where we are now. And were ready to use everything weve learned so that the drone industry can reach its full potential as quickly as possible.

Let me tell you a quick story.

A TV company was using a drone to film exteriors out in Louisville, Kentucky a couple weeks ago. And they just so happened to set up in the parking lot of the FAAs local Flight Standards office.

Our folks naturally got curious about the drone flying in their parking lot, and struck up a conversation with the production manager. Turns out, an uncertified pilot was flying an unregistered drone.

So what do you think the inspector didconfiscate the drone? Issue a fine?

No. Our guys didnt write them a ticket, or start talking about fines. They sat down with them, and helped register their drone right there in the FAAs conference room. Walked them through the rules and next steps.

The crew couldnt believe it. That we wanted to help them get back to filming the right way as quickly as possible.

You knowif theres one thing I want you to take away from this conference, its this: the FAA is open for business.

For folks who are committed to doing the right thing were not your adversary. Were as invested in integrating unmanned aircraft into the system as you are.

Innovation is one of Secretary Chaos top priorities for the Department of Transportation. And were building flexible, responsive regulatory processes that can keep up with all your creativity while ensuring safety isnt compromised.

Weve automated how drone operators get permission to fly in controlled airspace.

Were laying the groundwork for a comprehensive Unmanned Traffic Management System.

Weve authorized low-risk small drone flights, and created a performance-based waiver and exemption process to allow more advanced operations.

And Secretary Chao recently launched the UAS Integration Pilot Program to let us work with local governments and private industry to figure out how best to expand unmanned operations beyond whats allowed by current regulations.

Thats a Cabinet-level official whos leaning in, and saying Lets move our efforts into the fast lane.

The first test under the pilot program happened a few weeks ago in Blacksburg, Virginia. A Project Wing drone delivered a popsicle to a two-year-old boy, just six minutes after the order was placed.

It was historic the first beyond visual line-of-sight residential drone delivery in the United States.It was the Mr. Watson, I want to see you for the 21st century.

But to Little Jack, it was just cool. In his words: Airplane brought me a Popsicle!

These are important steps forward steps that bring drones closer to just being a routine operator in our airspace.

But there are still critical hurdles that need to be cleared before thats a reality. And they are issues the FAA cannot tackle alone.

Everyones interested in drone operations at night and over people. But we need to address the concerns that our national security and law enforcement partners have first.

Chief among them: we and thats a collective we, not just the FAA have to be able to identify every drone in the airspace, and whos operating it. The National Airspace System is no place for hide-and-seek.

This is common sense stuff. No ones okay with the idea of people driving down the highway without a license in their pocket and a tag on their vehicle. Why should operating a drone be any different?

But right now, the FAAs hands are tied by a law that says we cannot require remote identification on model aircraft.

This isnt a sustainable situation. Until we can set remote ID requirements that will be universally applied to every drone until we can make sure everyone is following the same rules inside the system full integration just isnt possible.

Now, Congress knows this is an issue. And Im hopeful well see a legislative fix soon maybe even as part of the FAAs next reauthorization.

As soon as this gets resolved, rest assured: were ready to move forward as quickly as possible.

Thats not the only question hanging out there.

How are drones going to interact with each other? And with other users flying in the system?

How can we make sure unmanned aircraft dont interfere with critical infrastructure? Or emergency response efforts?

Remember dull, dirty, and dangerous? Drones shouldnt be impediments they should be first responders at events like the California wildfires. Thats what we should be working toward.

Im not going to stand up here and claim Ive got the answers. Im not a tech guy and the FAA is not a tech company.

Our business is safety. So when we look at an aircraft, we want to know two basic things: Is it reliable? And does it play nicely with others?

Thats it. Dont fall out of the sky, and dont crash into other aircraft. It sounds simple. But the execution can be a lot more complex. Especially when its an entirely new class of users coming into a system that already includes jumbo jets, helicopters, balloons, rockets, and everything in between.

The fact is, a lot of safety problems require technological solutions. And that means we need buy-in from all of you. The innovators. The inventers. The out-of-the-box thinkers.

Nobody knows how to tackle tough tech challenges better than the folks in this room. Thats what got you here. The advancements being highlighted this week are proof of that.

So heres my advice: If you share the FAAs goal of fully integrating drones into our airspace as soon as possible dont just make the business case for your products or operations. Start making the safety case, too. They go hand-in-hand.

And dont be afraid to take on the problems that are bigger than your individual companies. Go after the issues that are affecting the unmanned aircraft community as a whole and share what youre doing at events like this one.

I truly believe youre going to find the most success more quickly if you work together.

Some of you are already doing this. And its probably the single biggest lesson weve learned over the years in aviation.

If a company develops a new safety enhancement, they dont keep it to themselves. Or use it to sell more aircraft than the other guy. They share it with everybody else.

Over twenty years ago, the FAA actually put together a team specifically designed to share safety information, and then do something with the safety information thats being shared.

Its called CAST the Commercial Aviation Safety Team. Its a mix of safety professionals from industry and government a group of about a thousand that shares data and safety ideas.

In a world where its hard enough to get two people to agree on anything, this group is a stark exception to the rule.

CAST is responsible for implementing about 200 safety enhancements that are largely responsible for commercial aviations historic safety record.

One more thing you need to know about those safety enhancements: theyre voluntary. This industry doesnt wait for a rule, or a government mandate, or a call to action.

Safety is a race we run together, and CAST wants everyone in the system to finish in a tie for first. And that, I say with a certain amount of awe and not a little bit of pride, is what happens.

Thats why we went over nine years without a single fatality in commercial aviation. Safety is not a table for one.

And all of this is not just for the big guys the airlines, the manufacturers, who dominate the system. Its about general aviation just as well the private pilots. For them, we formed the General Aviation Joint Safety Committee for the same purpose.

In October 2016, we launched a similar effort designed just for this community the Unmanned Aircraft Safety Team. Given the success weve seen with CAST, and the growing success were seeing with the general aviation community, I have no doubt that, in time, well see more of the same with you.

It sounds strange, maybe even a little weird, but the concept works, and the numbers prove it.

I know you guard your trade secrets and proprietary technologies, as well you should. Were not looking for the keys to the cabinet that holds your secret plans.

But we do want to know about safety mistakes that can end in tragedy.

Thats the thing about sharing this kind of information: we cant spot trends if the cards arent face up on the table.

What you think is a fluke a one in a million, an event thatll never happen again might very well be happening on this coast, that one, and at a number of cities in between. But we wont know that, and you wont know that, unless you share the information.

This is the reason for aviations unprecedented record. We dont compete on safety.

Thats the business were in. Now its your business, too. And Im really happy to welcome you into the fold.

For the last few years, at events like this, weve had a tendency to spend too much time reassuring each other.

Industry tells the FAA what drones are capable of, and that what youre doing isnt some kind of fad. And guys like me come here and tell you We get it. Were on top of the issue.

I think its time to end the therapy sessions.

Youve proven that unmanned aircraft are here to stay.

And I think I hope the FAA has proven that were 100 percent committed to making you a regular part of our national airspace.

Lookwere not strangers anymore. Were partners. In innovation and safety.

This is more than a work in progress. This is a success story in the making.I am confident of that. And you are giving me all the reasons in the world to keep it that way.

Thank you.