Entries by Miami Flight Academy

News and Updates – FAA Begins Drone Airspace Authorization Expansion

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has begun expanding an automated system that will ultimately provide near real-time processing of airspace authorization requests for unmanned aircraft (UAS) operators nationwide.Beginning today, the FAA is phasing in a nationwide beta test of the Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability (LAANC) that will deploy the system incrementally at nearly…

News and Updates – FAA Statement on Issuing Emergency Airworthiness Directive (EAD)

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued an Emergency Airworthiness Directive (EAD) that requires operators to inspect fan blades on certain CFM56-7B engines within 20 days.The directive is based on a CFM International Service Bulletin issued today and on information gathered from the investigation of Tuesdays Southwest Airlines engine failure. The inspection requirement applies to CFM56-7B…

News and Updates – FAA Issues Emergency Airworthiness Directive (EAD)

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued an Emergency Airworthiness Directive (EAD) that requires operators to inspect fan blades on certain CFM56-7B engines within 20 days.The directive is based on a CFM International Service Bulletin issued today and on information gathered from the investigation of Tuesdays Southwest Airlines engine failure. The inspection requirement applies to CFM56-7B…