Determine the approximate ground roll.

(Refer to figure 35.) GIVEN:

Temperature 85 °F
Pressure altitude 6,000 ft
Weight 2,800 lb
Headwind 14 kts

What is the maximum available flight time under the conditions stated?

(Refer to figure 34.) GIVEN:

Pressure altitude 6,000 ft
Temperature +3 °C
Power 2,200 RPM – 22″ MP
Usable fuel available 465 lb

From the conditions given, the approximate density altitude is


Pressure altitude 12,000 ft
True air temperature +50 °F

(Refer to figure 11.) If the cruise altitude is 7,500 feet, using 64 percent power at 2,500 RPM, what would be the range with 48 gallons of usable fuel?

What is the approximate flight time available under the given conditions? (Allow for VFR day fuel reserve.)

(Refer to figure 12.) GIVEN:

Pressure altitude 18,000 ft
Temperature -21 °C
Power 2,400 RPM –28″ MP
Recommended lean mixture usable fuel 425 lb