(Refer to figure 19.) If the airplane continues to fly on the magnetic heading as illustrated, what magnetic bearing FROM the station would be intercepted at a 30°angle?

Inbound on the 040 radial, a pilot selects the 055 radial, turns 15° to the left, and notes the time. While maintaining a constant heading, the pilot notes the time for the CDI to center is 15 minutes. Based on this information, the ETE to the station is

(Refer to figure 20.) Which instrument shows the aircraft in a position where a straight course after a 90° left turn would result in intercepting the 180 radial?

When using VOT to make a VOR receiver check, the CDI should be centered and the OBS should indicate that the aircraft is on the

The ADF is tuned to a nondirectional radiobeacon and the relative bearing changes from 090° to 100° in 2.5 minutes of elapsed time. If the true airspeed is 90 knots, the distance and time en route to that radiobeacon would be