(Refer to figure 19.) If the airplane continues to fly on the magnetic heading as illustrated, what magnetic bearing FROM the station would be intercepted at a 35°angle?

(Refer to figure 21.) If the time flown between aircraft positions 2 and 3 is 13 minutes, what is the estimated time to the station?

To track inbound on the 215 radial of a VOR station, the recommended procedure is to set the OBS to

The fuel required to fly to the station is

GIVEN: Wingtip bearing change: 5°
Elapsed time between bearing change: 6 min
Rate of fuel consumption: 12 gal/hr

With a TAS of 115 knots, the relative bearing on an ADF changes from 090° to 095° in 1.5 minutes of elapsed time. The distance to the station would be