What is the total takeoff distance over a 50-foot obstacle?

(Refer to figure 32.) GIVEN:

Temperature 30 °F
Pressure altitude 6,000 ft
Weight 3,300 lb
Headwind 20 kts

To determine pressure altitude prior to takeoff, the altimeter should be set to

What is the ground roll required for takeoff over a 50-foot obstacle?

(Refer to figure 32.) GIVEN:

Temperature 100 °F
Pressure altitude 4,000 ft
Weight 3,200 lb
Wind Calm

To safely take off over a 50-foot obstacle in 1,000 feet, what weight reduction is necessary?

(Refer to figure 32.) GIVEN:

Temperature 75 °F
Pressure altitude 6,000 ft
Weight 2,900 lb
Headwind 20 kts

What is the maximum rate of climb under the given conditions?

(Refer to figure 33.) GIVEN:

Weight 3,700 lb
Pressure altitude 22,000 ft
Temperature -10 °C