(Refer to figures 21 and 21A, 22 and 22A, 23, 24, 25, and 26.) After departing GJT and arriving at Durango Co., La Plata Co. Airport, you are unable to land because of weather. How long can you hold over DRO before departing for return flight to the alternate, Grand Junction Co., Walker Field Airport?

Total useable fuel on board: 68 gallons.
Average fuel consumption: 15 GPH.
Wind and velocity at 16,000: 2308-16°C.


(Refer to figures 21, 22, and 24.) What fuel would be consumed on the flight between Grand Junction Co. and Durango, Co. if the average fuel consumption is 15 GPH.

(Refer to figure 85.) What route should you take if cleared for the Washoe Two Departure and your assigned route is V6?

(Refer to figure 30.) Using an average groundspeed of 120 knots, what minimum rate of climb must be maintained to meet the required climb rate (feet per NM) to 4,100 feet as specified on the DP?

RVR minimums for landing are prescribed in an IAP, but RVR is inoperative and cannot be reported for the intended runway at the time. Which of the following would be an operational consideration?