You have only flown in a ATD in the last 2 months, you did 3 approaches and holdings, what do you need to do to fly as an IFR PIC?

No pilot may act as pilot in command of an aircraft under IFR or in weather conditions less than the minimums prescribed for VFR unless that pilot has, within the preceding 6 calendar months, completed at least

(Refer to figure 89.) What are the oxygen requirements for an IFR flight northeast bound from Bryce Canyon on V382 at the lowest appropriate altitude in an unpressurized aircraft?

An instrument rated pilot, who has not logged any instrument time in 1 year or more, cannot serve as pilot in command under IFR, unless the pilot

Who is responsible for determining that the altimeter system has been checked and found to meet 14 CFR part 91requirements for a particular instrument flight?