(Refer to figure 92.) A flight is to be conducted in VFR on Top conditions at 12,500 feet MSL (above 1,200 feet AGL). What is the in flight visibility and distance from clouds required for operation in Class E airspace during daylight hours for area 1?

What is the minimum flight visibility and distance from clouds for flight at 10,500 feet with a VFR on Top clearance during daylight hours? (Class E airspace.)

(Refer to figure 40.) For planning purposes, what is the highest useable altitude for an IFR flight on V16 between the BGS and ABI VORTACs?

(Refer to figure 92.) What in flight visibility and distance from clouds is required for a flight at 8,500 feet MSL (above 1,200 feet AGL) in Class G airspace in VFR conditions during daylight hours in area 4?

(Refer to figure 34.) At which altitude and location on V573 would you expect the navigational signal of the HOT VOR/DME to be unreliable?