The station originating the following weather report has a field elevation of 1,300 feet MSL. From the bottom of the overcast cloud layer, what is its thickness?

(tops of OVC are reported at 3800 feet) SPECI KOKC 2228Z 28024G36KT 3/4SM BKN008 OVC020 28/23 A3000

(Refer to figure 18, SFC PROG) A planned low altitude flight from northern Florida to southern Florida at 00Z is likely to encounter

The reporting station originating this Aviation Routine Weather Report has a field elevation of 620 feet. If the reported sky cover is one continuous layer, what is its thickness?

(tops of OVC are reported at 6500 feet) METAR KMDW 121856Z AUTO 32005KT 1 1/2SM +RABR OVC007 17/16 A2980

(Refer to figure 12.) What is the approximate wind direction and velocity at 34,000 feet (see arrow C)?