(Refer to figure 36.) What fuel flow should a pilot expect at 11,000 feet on a standard day with 65 percent maximum continuous power?

(Refer to figure 8.) What is the effect of a temperature decrease and a pressure altitude increase on the density altitude from 90 °F and 1,250 feet pressure altitude to 55 °F and 1,750 feet pressure altitude?

(Refer to figure 36.) Approximately what true airspeed should a pilot expect with 65 percent maximum continuous power at 9,500 feet with a temperature of 36 °F below standard?

(Refer to figure 38.) Determine the approximate ground roll distance after landing.

OAT ………………………………………………………….. 90 °F
Pressure altitude ……………………………………….. 4,000 ft
Weight …………………………………………………… 2,800 lb
Tailwind component ……………………………………… 10 kts


(Refer to figure 36.) What is the expected fuel consumption for a 1,000-nautical mile flight under the following conditions?

Pressure altitude ……………………………………….. 8,000 ft
Temperature ……………………………………………….. 22 °C
Manifold pressure …………………………………… 20.8” Hg
Wind …………………………………………………………. Calm