(Refer to figure 35.) Determine the aircraft loaded moment and the aircraft category.

WEIGHT (LB.) MOM/ 1000
Empty weight 1,350 51.5
Pilot and front passenger 380 __
Fuel, 48 gal 288 __
Oil, 8 qt __ __


The CG is located how far aft of datum?


(LB.) (IN) (LB-IN)
Empty weight 1,495.0 101.4 151,593.0
Pilot and passengers 380.0 64.0 ——
Fuel (30 gal usable no reserve) —— 96.0 ——

(Refer to figures 33 and 34.) Determine if the airplane weight and balance is within limits.

Front seat occupants ……………………………………. 415 lb
Rear seat occupants …………………………………….. 110 lb
Fuel, main tanks …………………………………………. 44 gal
Fuel, aux. tanks…………………………………………… 19 gal
Baggage …………………………………………………….. 32 lb


(Refer to figure 62.) If 50 pounds of weight is located at point X and 100 pounds at point Z, how much weight must be located at point Y to balance the plank?

An aircraft is loaded 110 pounds over maximum certificated gross weight. If fuel (gasoline) is drained to bring the aircraft weight within limits, how much fuel should be drained?